
Upcoming Programs by Nayaka

Magic of Mahamudra

Also With Candrika

October 11 - 18, 2024


Men's Going for Refuge Retreat

Also With Amarapala and Dhirajyoti

December 13 - 20, 2024


Animist Dharma

Also With Dhivan and Vandika

April 25 - May 2, 2025


Going Deeper - Awake in the Wild

Also With Amayaraja and Candradhi

May 16 - 23, 2025


Wild swimming, embodied movement and meditation

Also With Subhanaya

July 11 - 18, 2025


Going Deeper - Hillwalking and Meditation

Also With Amayaraja

August 1 - 8, 2025


Contemplating the 5 skandhas

Also With Subhanaya

October 3 - 10, 2025


Men's Going for Refuge Retreat

Also With Amarapala and Dhirajyoti

December 12 - 19, 2025
